Electronic notifications

Evidentiary proof of sending and receiving

Electronic notifications

New workspaces demand new notification systems. HR departments. Shareholders, providers., need workable and legal communication solutions to send notifications to workers, customers and suppliers.

Lleida.net registered notifications are an easy, agile and workable alternative to communicate any message. Notifications with full legal validity and without leaving home.

Our services

Registered Email

Registered Email

It is an easy, fast and cost effective way to provide legal certainty to your regular eCommunications.

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Registered SMS

Registered SMS

Registered SMS provides a legal proof of the content of the message, the time the SMS is sent and received.

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Registered invoice

Registered invoice

Sending invoices attached to a registered email. Due notification of the sending, the content and the delivery.

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Registered inbox

Registered inbox

Get a mailbox that certifies all incoming messages, including attachments if any. Recipient and sender will receive the documentary evidence.

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Email opening notification.

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Important uses

Immediate Registered communications

Immediate Registered communications

Send registered notifications of by email or SMS to your employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders., with full legal validity.
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Manage your STC programs

Manage your STC programs

The best solution to manage communications of short time compensation programs (STC) whether for economic, productive, organizational or technical reasons.
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Electronic voting made simple

Electronic voting made simple

The solution to cast your vote easily, wherever you are, with reliable evidence that your message has been delivered.
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Pros of electronic contracting

Fast an easy

Send the proposal from your usual email manager or receive them in your registered mailbox.


The sender may also receive the documentary evidence of the communication, having a reliable evidence that the message has been delivered.


Patented method

No intermediaries

Only Lleida.net as digital witness and the sender.

Legally valid

The certificate is the documentary evidence you receive once you send a registered electronic communication. It is a digitally signed document with a time stamp crediting content and time.

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Starting out

Our team will advise you and give the solution that best suits your needs, or should you prefer to find your own , sign up here:

Sign up

If you are an existent Lleida.net client you already have a registered mailbox, otherwise, during the registration process we will configure an account for you.

Call us on +34 973 282 300 or send us an email at customers@lleida.net

If you would like to know more about electronic notifications

fill out the contact form and email us

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