Lleida.net documentary evidence

Legal value Lleida.net documentary evidence

The documentary evidence, provides proof of the communication.

It is a digitally signed document with a time stamp attesting the content and timing of the communication.

Certificate of electronic communication

Registered Email

Certificate ID: E855295-I

Lleida.net documentary evidence

Telecom operator “LLEIDANETWORKS Serveis Telemàtics, S.A “ as digital witness, certifies that the information provided herein is the one entered on its electronic communication records.


Sender, recipient, date and time of delivery of the message

Sending details

Name: Talk2Me (NIF B-43726550-T)

User ID 789XBH29

Sender. Registered Mail Service <service@mailcert.lleida.net>

(resend on behalf of Talk2Me Account Department <facturas@talk2me.com>) Recipient:

Recipient: Newman <admin@newman.com>

Time and date of delivery: 2 February 2015 (16:00 GMT +1)

Date and tieme of delivery: 2 February 2015 (16:05 GMT +1)

Subject: Registered Email - Invoice 01-15] 01-15


Good morning,

Please find attached January 2015 invoice




The certificate is a record of all email attachments and its content.


File PDF Talk2Me Inv#0115 2015 January services.pdf View attached file. Viewable in the documents.
File GIF Content1-text.html
File JPG Content2-image-logolleidanetfirma.jpg File in the annex of documents
File File name

This certificate has been issued upon request and with the express consent of the sender, by a secure and confidential system that registers traffic without interfering, revealing or controlling. This email has been assigned the unique aforementioned identifier in the signer Telecom Operator record heading.

Lleida, 2 February 2015




Find attached all the documents involved in the communication

Technical details of the sending

Delivery details to the recipients or their duly authorized electronic agents.


Electronic signature

Valid signature


Date: 2015.02.19 19:19:29 CEST

Business name: Lleida.net email stamp

City: Lleida

Lleida.net Parc Científic i Tecnològic Agroalimentari de Lleida (PCiTAL) Edifici H1 2a planta 25003 Lleida Spain