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Registered Email · Registered Email contract · eKYC Onboarding

Registered Email

Send it , just the way you always do. You can attach as many files as you wish, up to 5 MB.
Add our registered address demo@registered.lleida.net in the CC field and send it. We will certify your email.

Your email is processed and a registered copy is sent to the recipient.

You will receive a demo certificate providing the exact time and date of the delivery, the sender, the recipient, the content of the message and the attachments.

Get 5 free registered emails to test the service.

Registered Email contract

Write the email as you always do, and attach the document (up to 5MB). Send it to the registered address: prueba@contrato.lleida.net.
Type the recipient's address in the Subject field. Leave at least one space between the recipient's address and your subject. Send it.

Our servers will resend the email to the recipient and will receive the reply, thus certifying both emails.

Once the email is received, the recipient just has to reply to it accepting the terms and conditions of the contract.

We will send you a demo providing the exact time and date of the delivery, the sender, the recipient the content of the message and it attachments: a contract admissible into evidence.

eKYC Onboarding