General conditions of contract

Terms of sale


LLEIDANETWORKS SERVEIS TELEMATICS holds the ownership of this Website,, (hereinafter Website), S.A., provided with tax number: A25345331, and with a registered address at:

C/ Téllez 56 C 28007 Madrid
Contact phone: +34973282300
Contact email:

This document (as well as any other document henceforth mentioned) regulates the conditions governing the use of this Website ( and the purchase or acquisition of services therein (hereinafter, Terms of Sale).

For these Terms, it is understood that the activity that develops through the Website include

  • Electronic notification services
  • Electronic contracting services
  • Unregistered communications services
  • Data validation services

The details of the services are available in Annex 1 of these Terms of Sale

Apart from reading these Conditions of Sale, before accessing, browsing and / or using this website, the User must have read the Disclaimer and the General Contract Conditions including, the Cookies policy and Privacy and data protection policy of By using this Website or by making and / or requesting the acquisition of a product and / or service through it, the User agrees to be bound by these Terms and by all the aforementioned, if the User does not agree with any of the conditions laid down herein, he should not use this Web Site.

Likewise, it is reported that these Terms can be modified The User is responsible for consulting them each time he accesses, browses and/or uses the Website since those in force at the time the purchasing of services will be applicable.

For all questions that the User may have concerning the Terms, they can contact the owner using the contact information provided above or, where appropriate, using the contact form.


Access, navigation and use of the Website, confers the condition of User (hereinafter referred to, indistinctly, individually as User or jointly as Users), for which they accept, from the start of browsing the Website, all the Conditions established herein, as well as their subsequent modifications, without prejudice to the application of the corresponding mandatory legal regulations as the case may be.

The User assumes his responsibility for the correct use of the Website. This responsibility will extend to: This responsibility will extend to:

  • Use this Web Site only to make inquiries and legally valid purchases or acquisitions.
  • Do not make any false or fraudulent purchase. If a purchase of this nature could be considered inaccurate or fraudulent, it could be cancelled, and the relevant authorities informed.
  • Provide truthful and lawful contact information, for example, email address, postal address and/or other information.

The User declares to be over 18 years of age and have the legal capacity to enter into contracts through this Website.

The User may formalise, at their choice, with the contract for the sale of the desired services in any of the languages available on this Website.


Duly registered Users can buy on the Website by conventional means and forms. They must follow the online purchase and/or acquisition procedure of, where several services can be selected and added to the cart, basket or final purchase space and, finally, click on "Buy

Likewise, the User must fill in and/or check the requested information in each step, although, during the purchase process, before making the payment, the purchase details can be modified

Next, the User will receive an email confirming that has received their order or request for purchase and/or provision of the service, that is, the order confirmation.

Through the website, the user acquires credits, being the unit of exchange of the services. Check the equivalence in credits of the services here.

The validity of the credits purchased does not expire.

Once the purchase procedure has concluded, the User consents that the Website issues an electronic invoice (PDF) sent to the User via email. Likewise, if they wish, the User can obtain a copy of their hard copy invoice, requesting it from using the contact spaces on the Website or through the contact details provided above.

The User acknowledges being up-to-date, at the time of purchase, of certain particular conditions of sale that concern the product and/or service in question and that are shown next to the presentation or, where appropriate, its image on its page of the Website; and acknowledges that the completion of the purchase or acquisition order materialises the complete acceptance of the particular conditions of sale applicable to each case.

The communications, purchase orders, and payments that intervene during the transactions carried out on the Website could be filed and kept in the computerised registries of to constitute a means of proof of the transactions, in any case, respecting the reasonable security conditions and the laws and regulations in force that are applicable in this regard, and particularly taking into account Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of people about the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD) and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, and the rights that assist to Users following the privacy policy of this Website.


All purchase orders received by through the Website are subject to the availability of services and/or to the fact that no circumstance or force majeure (clause nine of these Conditions) affects the provision of services. If the provision of service becomes unfeasible, undertakes to contact the User and reimburse any amount that may have been paid as an amount.


The prices of the credits displayed on the Website are end prices and include taxes unless due to legal requirements, especially VAT, a different question is indicated and applied.

The currency in which the purchase is made will be in Euros (EUR); if the User at the time of formalising the purchase is in the United States, the currency available for the purchase will be US dollars (USD) and if it is in Colombia, in Colombian pesos (COP). The User's location is determined by the IP through which the connection to the Website occurs.

In no case will the Website add additional costs to the price of a product or service automatically, but only those that the User has selected and chosen voluntarily and freely.

Prices may change at any time, but changes will not affect orders or purchases for which the User has already received an order confirmation.

The accepted means of payment is credit card.

In any case, by clicking on “Buy” the User confirms that the payment method used is his. uses all means to guarantee the confidentiality and security of the payment data transmitted by the User during transactions through the Website. As such, the Website uses a secure payment system SSL (Secure Socket Layer).

Credit cards will be subject to checks and authorisations by the issuing bank; if the entity does not authorise payment, will not be responsible for any delay or lack of delivery and will not formalise any contract with the User.

Once receives the User's purchase order through the Website, a pre-authorisation will be made on the corresponding card to ensure sufficient funds to complete the transaction According to the times established, the charge will be made when the delivery confirmation and/or confirmation of the service provided is sent to the USER

Following the provisions of Law 37/1992, of December 28, on Value Added Tax (VAT), purchase orders for their provision will be understood to be located in the territory of application of Spanish VAT if the delivery address is in the Spanish region except for the Canary Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla. The applicable VAT rate will be the one legally in force at all times depending on the specific item.

Purchases in which the User is in the Canary Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla, will be exempt from VAT by application of the provisions of Law 37/1992 and Directive 2006/112, without prejudice to the application of the corresponding taxes and duties following the regulations in force in each of these territories.

Following that line, and following Chapter I of Title V of Council Directive 2006/112 of November 28, 2006, on the standard VAT system, purchase orders will be located, for their provision, in that State Member of the European Union in which the address that appears in the purchase order is located and, therefore, the applicable VAT will be the one in force in said Member State.

For the rest of the locations, the regulations in force will be applied.


Given the nature of the services, it does not proceed to make any physical delivery of them, but instead, they are made available through a user's activation.

Once the User is activated, the credentials are provided through the email provided in the registration process.

The credentials allow the access to different platforms to use the services:

Similarly, it provides access to the APIs of the services available at

The activation of the services occurs when receives full payment of all amounts due to the purchase.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, offers free credits added to those purchased by the User at the time of activation of the services.


The User is informed that in case he detects that an error has occurred when entering the data necessary to process his purchase on the Website, he may modify them by contacting through the spaces of contact enabled, and, where appropriate, through those allowed to contact customer service, and/or using the contact information provided in the first clause (General information).

Similarly, the User is referred to consult the Legal Notice and General Conditions of Use and, specifically, the Privacy Policy to obtain more information on how to exercise their right of rectification as established in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons about the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD) and in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.


When the User acquires services at or through the owner's Website, they are assisted by a series of rights, as listed and described below:

Right of Withdrawal

The User acknowledges knowing that there are exceptions to the right of withdrawal, as stated in article 103 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the General Law's revised text for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.

In this same sense, the provision of a service that the User could contract on this Website is governed, since this same Law establishes that the Right of withdrawal will not assist Users when the provision of the service has been fully executed or when it has begun, with the express consent of the consumer and User and with the acknowledgement on their part that they are aware that, once has fully executed the contract, they will have lost their right of withdrawal.

If its execution has not begun, you will have the right to withdraw from the said purchase within a period of 14 calendar days without giving any reason.

This withdrawal period will expire after 14 calendar days from when the service is activated by delivering the credentials. To exercise this right of withdrawal, the User must notify its decision to He may do so by sending an email to

Regardless of the means they choose to communicate their decision; the User must clearly and unequivocally express that it intends to withdraw from the purchase contract. To meet the withdrawal period, it is enough that the communication that unequivocally expresses the decision to withdraw is sent before the corresponding period expires

In the event of withdrawal, will reimburse the User for all payments received, without any undue delay and, in any case, no later than 14 calendar days from the date on which is informed of the decision of desisting by the User. will reimburse the User using the same payment method used by the User to carry out the initial purchase transaction. This refund will not generate any additional cost to the User. And it must do so without any undue delay and, in any case, no later than 14 calendar days from the date was informed of the withdrawal decision.

Return of defective services

When the User considers that at the time of activation of the service, it does not comply with the Condition’ provisions and its annexe 1. Therefore, they should contact immediately and let you know the existing disagreement (defect/error) by the same means or using the contact information provided in the previous section (Right of Withdrawal).

The User will then be informed about how to proceed with the services`return, which will be examined following the request and specifications indicated by the User, and the User will be informed, within a reasonable time, if the refund proceeds.

The refund or replacement of the product will be made as soon as possible and, in any case, within 14 days from the date we send you an email confirming that the refund or replacement of the non-compliant item is appropriate.

The amount paid for those services that are returned due to a defect, when it really exists, will be fully reimbursed for the costs that the User may have incurred to make the return. The refund will be made by the same means of payment that the User used the purchase.

In any case, the rights recognized in the legislation in force at all times for the User, as consumer and user, will always be respected.

Warranties will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damage to the User, their employees or third parties, except for what is established in Law 22/1994, of July 6, on civil liability for damages caused by defective products, and such as indicated in the section Return services.

9. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY limits its liability in the following cases:

  • applies all measures concerning to provide an accurate display of the product on the Website; however, it is not responsible for the minimum differences or inaccuracies that may exist due to lack of resolution of the screen or problems of the browser that is used or others of this nature.
  • Due to fortuitous or other causes, technical failures prevent the service's regular operation through the Internet. Lack of availability of the Website for maintenance or other reasons prevents the availability of the service uses all the means at its disposal to carry out the purchase and payment process; however, it disclaims responsibility for causes that are not attributable to it, unforeseeable circumstances, or force majeure.


Using this Website, the User accepts that most of the communications with are electronic (email or notices published on the Website).

For contractual purposes, the User agrees to use this electronic means of communication and acknowledges that all contracts, notifications, information, and other communications that sends electronically meet the legal requirements of being in writing This condition will not affect the rights recognized by law to the User.

The User can send notifications and/or communicate with through the contact information provided in these Conditions and, where appropriate, through the contact spaces on the Website.

Likewise, may contact and/or notify the User by email or at the postal address provided unless otherwise stipulated.


No waiver by of a specific right or legal action or the lack of requirement by of strict compliance by the User of any of its obligations will imply, nor a waiver of other rights or actions derived from a contract or the Conditions, nor will it exonerate the User from compliance with their obligations.

No resignation by to any of these Conditions or the rights or actions derived from a contract will take effect unless it is expressly established that it is a resignation, and it is formalised and communicated to the User in writing.


If any of these Conditions were declared null and void by a final resolution issued by a competent authority, the rest of the clauses would remain in force without being affected by said declaration of nullity.


These Conditions and any document to which express reference is made in these constitute the entire agreement existing between the User and about the object of sale and replace any other prior pact, agreement or promise agreed verbally or in writing the same parts.

The User and acknowledge having consented to the conclusion of a contract without having relied on any statement or promise made by the other party, except for what is expressly mentioned in these Conditions.


The information or personal data that the User provides to in the course of a transaction on the Website will be treated following the provisions of the Privacy or data protection Policy (contained, where appropriate, in the Legal Notice and General Conditions of Use) By accessing, browsing and/or using the Website, the User consents to the processing of said information and data and declares that all the information or data provided are accurate.


Access, navigation and / or use of this Website and the contracts for the purchase of services through it will be governed by Spanish legislation.

Any controversy, problem or disagreement that arises or is related to the access, navigation and/or use of the Website, or with the interpretation and execution of these Conditions, or with the sales contracts between and the User, will be submitted to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Spanish courts and tribunals.


The User can send their complaints, claims or any other comment they wish to make to through the contact information provided at the beginning of these Conditions (General Information).

Besides, has official complaint forms available to consumers and users, which they can request from at any time, using the contact information provided at the beginning of these Conditions (General Information).

Likewise, suppose a dispute arises from the conclusion of this purchase contract between and the User. In that case, the User as a consumer may request an out-of-court solution of disputes, following Regulation (EU) 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 21, 2013, on online dispute resolution in consumer matters and amending Regulation (EC) 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22 / EC. You can access this method at:

ADDENDUM. Definition of services

A1. Electronic notification services

An SMS message up to 612 characters (without UNICODE characters) or a registered email up to 20 MB attachments will be referred to as a certified unit. Each section of up to 612 characters or 5 MB will count as a certified unit.

The documentary evidence generated by the electronic notification services is stored for a period of 5 years, included in the tariffs of the services Annex 2.

Registered SMS:, as telecom operator and trust service provider makes available to the user its network to deliver a short data message addressed to a mobile phone number and then issues a digitally signed document is with a time stamp that certifies sender and receiver number, message content and time of delivery, when possible. The service varies depending on the typology criteria for calculating charges. Please contact Customer Service.

Registered Email: as a trust service provider, receives, delivers and reroutes an email from a sender to one or more recipients, generating a piece of documentary evidence digitally signed proving the sender email address, the recipient email addresses, message content and the delivery Also, an annexe with information related to accessing to the Registered Email content is attached. This annex is generated automatically when the pixel inserted in the Registered Email is downloaded. This annexe is generated when the pixel inserted in the Registered Email is downloaded. Since the download of the pixel is an action beyond the control of, it is not responsible for the information obtained through such download or any damages that may arise from it This service is also available to send REGISTERED INVOICE. Please contact Customer Service for more info.

Registered, as telecom operator and trust service provider, provides the client with an email Inbox for testing incoming emails, issuing a digitally signed documentary evidence. This service is also provided by as telecom operator through SMS.

Openum, as telecom operator certifies whether an email message sent from the platform or has been opened or read. This is certified by an access event to an URL managed by where a PDF document is allocated.

Openum, as telecom operator certifies whether an email message sent from the platform has been opened or read. This is certified by an access event to an URL managed by where a PDF document is allocated. The documentary evidence proves that the information it contains and has been certified is confidential by means of a watermark.

A2. Electronic contracting services

To count and charge the client the messages, an SMS message up to 612 characters (without UNICODE characters) or a Registered Email up to 20 MB attachments will be referred to as a certified unit. Each segment of up to 612 characters or 5 MB, will count as one (1) certified unit. For Registered Email contract or SMS contract each message sent or each reply received will be considered as certified units.

Registered SMS Contract: , as telecom operator and trust service provider makes available to the user its network for delivering and receiving the reply of a short data message to a mobile phone number. Subsequently, issues a digitally signed document with a time stamp that proves the sender and receiver number, message content (both proposal and reply) and time of delivery, if possible.

Registered Email, as telecom operator and trust service provider receives, in an electronic mailbox created for the client, an email to reroute it and deliver it, with the attached files if any, to a receiving email. The recipient has the possibility to reply to it and attach files. Once the reply is sent, a piece of documentary evidence is issued proving the recipient's email address, the recipient's email address, the content of the message and delivery to the recipient's email inbox and its response, if any, as well as all the attachments included in the process.

Connectaclick Basic:, as trusted service provider receives, certifies a contracting process sent from the platform, including an email certification and the certification of an action at an URL managed by through which the proposal sent by email and its attachment in pdf format is accepted.

A3. Unregistered communication services

SMS: as a telecom operator, provides a platform for sending SMS messages to mobile phones from all mobile operators, subject to the existing coverage at the time of the sending; either with numerical sender provided by LLEIDA.NET or with a customised alphanumerical sender (up to 11 characters). This service includes the possibility of receiving the delivery report at the User's request, notifying the delivery to all operators the service is supported. Should you choose a customized sender option (up to 11 characters) or a phone number other than the assigned to the User, it will not be possible to receive any reply Not all mobile operators allow you to send SMS with customized sender, so they will not have guarantee of delivery.

2-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION SMS (2FA) : as telecom operator, sends a text message with a One time password. This OTP should be entered in a landing page where a validation result is returned. One characteristic feature of this process is that the sender of the SMS does not know the OTP, nor does know where it is used from. The recipient of the message is the only one who knows it. Service available by API integration at This service can be provided via REGISTERED SMS.

MMS: as telecom operator, provides a platform for sending MMS messages to mobile phones from all mobile operators, subject to the existing coverage at the time of the sending, either with numerical sender provided by LLEIDA.NET or customized alphanumerical sender (up to 11 characters). This service includes the possibility to receive the delivery report at the request of the user, notifying the delivery on all operators where the service is supported. Should you choose a customized sender option (up to 11 characters) or a phone number other than the assigned to the User, it will not be possible to receive any reply Not all mobile operators allow you to send MMS with customized sender, so they will not have guarantee of delivery. Service available in registered mode.

A4. Data validation services

Data validation: service to help you to set the information linked to a mobile phone using ENUM technology. will provide, depending on the contracted service, the following information:

  • Check network: Checks the operator the fixed/mobile number belongs to (response- time <50 milliseconds).

  • Check All: Checks the operator and mobile number status (if exists and if active).

Email Checker: it checks the existence of an email address reporting the result to the client. Service available only through API.

eKYC Range of services to provide tools for the identification of people in an online transactional process. The services are:

  • OCR: Captures the front and back of the identification documents,and the data is returned through optical character recognition (OCR) technology. That is, it returns the fields that normally contain data.

  • VALIDATION Checks the validity of an id document through the analysis of the MRZ lines. By capturing the front and back of the document, the parameters of absence / presence of their security measures are validated, returning a report with the result of the analysis. That is, it returns the fields that are normally called TEST_XXX.

  • FACE: The photograph taken in the onboarding process is comparedwith that of the document, returning a report with the result of the analysis. It also allows the comparison of two selfies (without the need of an ID ) although not all providers support this feature

  • GRAPHICS The clippings of the graphic elements obtained from the identity document are obtained. That is, the clippings of images obtained from the identity document, the signature, the fingerprint, the photo, etc.

  • DOCUMENT: Service whereby through the capture of certain documents, such as invoices, returns the value of the following fields:

    • MPAN in bills from energy providers ( electricity, gas...)

Used via API: You can use several resolvers according to the functionalities.

eKYC Video: A distance identification procedure through videoconference either with a live agent or stand alone, including the process of validation of documents

The service records the videoconference and captures the front the back of the id document and the selfie via Web SDK solution. After the snapshot, identity validation parameters are obtained from the validation of the images, including facial biometrics. After the analysis, the system performs a validation of the parameters obtained, according to the business needs.

After the identification process the below documents are collected as documentary evidence:

  • a) Snapshot of the front of the identity document taken during the video conference.

  • b) Snapshot of the back of the identity document taken during the video conference.

  • c) Photograph of the person concerned taken during the video conference.

  • d) Date and starting time of the session.

  • e) Date and ending time of the session.

  • f) Validation result (positive or negative)

  • g) Geolocation of the person concerned according to the device used complete avoidance of (optional).

  • h) Technical details of the validation.

  • i) Video of the identification process.

The following parameters are validated:

  • Presence / absence of security measures of identity documents used in the identification process. Defining business rules to the client demand and acceptance levels based on the parameters attained

  • Correspondence of the photograph of the person concerned with the identity document used in the identification process based on the% of facial correspondence obtained.

The validation process of the parameters will be provided by the CLIENT, or as the case may be the final client.

Once the recording is finished, the previous data and the video generated, are collected in an electronic document (certificate) issued by as digital witness by which all the events that occurred during the process of identification by video conference are certified including the start and end date of the video conference session, name and number of the identity document of the person concerned, the result of the ID validation, the hash of the videos generated and as attachments the data described in the previous paragraph.


LLEIDA.NET offers the CLIENT different options of provision depending on the degree of automation of the video identification process:

  • a) Solo: The approval of the identification of the interested party is made automatically based on the parameters agreed between LLEIDA.NET and the CLIENT, and based on the parameters collected from the validation of the front, back and photograph of the identity document used in the identification process.

  • b) Post approval: The approval of the identification of the interested party is done manually by the CLIENT through the Back Office or API at his disposal and after the video conference, having as support material the data collected in it and the results of service.

  • c) Mixed: The approval of the identification is made automatically from the agreed parameters between LLEIDA.NET and the CLIENT. If these parameters are not met, approval passes to Post approval mode.

For integration, LLEIDA.NET will provide an SDK (Software Development Kit) that can be used by the CLIENT to adapt the solution to their flow and look & feel. This customization may be carried out by the end customer or by LLEIDA.NET according to the customer’s needs.

In the project definition phase, the parameters and values that are considered for the identification to be negative must be defined.


CLICK & SIGN is a process that combines several services for signing documents. Upon starting the process with an SMS or Registered mail with an attached link, when you access it, electronic signature processes are held.

The elements used by the service are as follows:

  • CLICK&SIGN START: The Registered SMS or email starts the process with a link to a landing page.

  • CLICK&SIGN OTP: the Registered SMS with the OTP .

  • CLICK&SIGN BASE: The process signature elements on the landing page can be: acceptance button, OTP, handwritten button. It includes 3 SMS and 10 reminder emails sent by unregistered email.

  • CLICK&SIGN REMINDER: Registered SMS or email to send as reminders to the signatory.

  • CLICK&SIGN UPLOAD FILES: unregistered event to upload files. Up to 5 files of 4MB each are allowed. Permitted file formats are -pdf, jpg and png.

  • CLICK&SIGN REGISTERED UPLOAD FILES: registered event to upload files. Up to 5 files of 4MB each are allowed. Permitted file formats are -pdf, jpg and png. Image files are stored compressed in the documentary evidence.

The process is configured by combining the previous elements, being able to parameterize various documents, signatories and levels of signatories.

The configuration should be done through API at It allows several settings through the web platform at

At the end of the process a documentary evidence is issued with all the actions carried out for the signing of the document. The documentary evidence is stored by for 5 years.


Service that certifies whether an email message sent from the platform has been opened or read. This is certified by an access event to a URL managed by where a PDF document is hosted. Service also available through API.

The elements used by the service are:

  • OPENUM START: the SMS or Registered Email that starts the process includes a link to a URL where the document or documents to be notified are hosted. Mandatory.

  • OPENUM BASE: Proves that the URL has been accessed. Mandatory.

  • OPENUM REMINDER: SMS, Registered SMS, email or Registered Email to send as reminders to the recipient. Optional.

At the end of the process a documentary evidence is issued with all the actions carried out for the signature of the document. The documentary evidence is stored by for 5 years. In the event that the process expires, a documentary evidence document is issued.