eKYC Video

Secure online video identification

eKYC Video The most secure online identity validation

Verify that the person on the other side of the screen is who they say they are, combining artificial intelligence and biometrics with eKYC Video.

The video identification system analyses different parameters of the provided ID documents and compares the ID photo to the selfie. The whole process is video recorded .

Play video

The whole process is video recorded and stored, so that sessions can be analysed quickly.


The usability of our platform, makes video identification a fully automatic and agile process.

PC, tablet or mobile

The client can connect to the platform to carry out the video identification from any device, without the need to install any app.

How does it work?

API integration

API integration

Integration through our API. We have developed it so that its use is simple smooth. We also offer an SDK package to make integration faster.

eKYC Video allows you to have either live agents controlling the entire process, or working in unattended mode. The latest requires suspicious validations to be approved by hand later on.

See the API/SDK
User experience

User experience

Like all our eKYC solutions, the system captures both sides of the ID document, passport or driving licence. The user takes a selfie and a biometric analysis compares it to the photo in the ID document.

An automatic process where the photos and the selfies are taken by the system under optimal lighting and sharpness conditions.

The system returns a global result of the validity of the process, as well as an individual assessment for the document and for the biometric analysis.

Available data

  • Video of the identification process.

  • Validation result (positive or negative).

  • Back and front of the ID document taken during the video conference.

  • Selfie of the person concerned taken during the video conference.

  • Date and time of beginning and end of the session.

  • Geolocation of the person concerned according to the device being used and user’s authorization (optional).

  • Technical details of the validation.

Sectors using online video identification

eKYC Video is aimed at multiple sectors and used for several purposes, although it is mainly intended for:

Banking fintech services

Banking and Fintech

Utilities services


Insurance insurtech services

Insurance and Insurtech

Real state services

Real Estate

eKYC Video complies with


AML standards ( Anti Money Laundering).

AML standards

TCAB accreditation (Trust Conformity Assessment Body) according to the European eIDAS regulations.

TCAB accreditation
ISO 27001

ISO 27001, Information Security Management System (ISMS).

ISO 27001 certificate

Other Know Your Customer solutions

Convert the images of the scanned identity document into text.


Convert the images of the scanned identity document into text.

Find out more
Validate ID cards, passports and driving licences.

eKYC Docs

Validate ID cards, passports and driving licences.

Find out more
Enhance eKYC Docs by adding biometric facial recognition.

eKYC Photo

Enhance eKYC Docs by adding biometric facial recognition.

Find out more
End-to-end solution for efficient work flow. Add extra layer of security to your processes with video validation and electronic signature.

eKYC Onboarding

End-to-end solution for efficient work flow. Add extra layer of security to your processes with video validation and electronic signature.

Find out more

Document reading

Document validation

Biometric face-recognition

Video identification

Documentary evidence issuance

Tailor made development






Interested in learning more about eKYC Video?

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