2 Way SMS Get your customers reply wherever they are

2 Way SMS messaging

Interact with your customers with 2 Way SMS

Give your customers a voice, and let them contact you as you contact them. Boost their satisfaction and receive feedback to keep on improving.

With our 2 Way numbering, you can interact with your customers seamlessly, irrespective of the device or software they use.

Messages conversations in real-time

Receive instant responses from your customers, and reply back to them instantly, even automatically.


You can reach any active mobile phone worldwide, not only smartphones regardless of the operating system and without installing any application.


You can seamlessly integrate into your management software both sending and receiving 2 Way messages.

Customers at your fingertips

When you need it

24/7 Service When you need it

Contact your customer the best time to grab his attention. You can schedule the sending of outbound SMS messages to improve the impact and conversion of your campaigns.

The reply of your SMS will be stored and available in Tools, to manage when appropriate. You may also download the data in csv to be integrated into your CRM system thus enhancing prospective campaigns.

Total interaction

Get close to your customers Total interaction

Hold discussions with your users whether for customer service, technical support, sales queries, etc. thanks to 2 Way dedicated numbers.

Your customers receive your reply and they can reply back instantly. Easy and free of charge, since operators provide free sms to their users.

Seamless integration

Without changing anything Seamless integration

Our 2 Way SMS service is easily integrated, through APIs, in management tools, CRM systems, etc. Optimize communication processes with your customers, save on costs, while moving forward towards the digitization of your business.

We also provide Tools, a functional back office to send SMS, read the replies, and use all our services: database validation, registered communications, eSignature.

Global Coverage

We have dedicated numbers in Spain, France, United Kingdom, United States and Colombia. We also provide dedicated numbers to the rest of the world.

Case studies

Customer service


Human resources organization

Private discussions among users

Want to learn more about 2-WaySMS?

Fill out the contact form or download the brochure.

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